Friday 30 March 2012

Branding : Saloon by Oat Creative

Check out this amazing branding by Oat Creative for the Saloon restaurant in Massachusetts.

I absolutely love it - the only teeny tiny criticism that I would make is that I'm not sure how 'Saloon'-y this actually is, when I hear the word Saloon, I picture Spagetti Westerns, Cowboy hats and spittoons, whereas this project seems, I don't know, maybe a little to... Parisien. Or is that just me?

Posted by Anneke Short


  1. I adore everything Oat does - their branding is so creative and inspiring. I agreed with you about the saloon-y-ness of this at first, but then thought it gave the feeling of a more like upscale saloon rather than your 'get drunk and start a brawl' type of place.

  2. Hey Steph! They definitely do have some amazing projects on their website. I do know what you mean, the kind of place maybe the telegram operators would go... I think I must have been force-fed far too many John Wayne movies by my Granddad when I was a kid ;)



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