Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Love/Hate : Ento & Edible Insects

One year as a christmas present, I bought some chocolate covered giant ants for my Mum. Naturally, as soon as the packet was opened I wanted to try one, and although I wouldn't say I hated it, they will never find their way onto my weekly shopping list.

This fantastic project, called Ento, challenges our preconceptions about eating insects and tackles the issue of food security. The team behind it are Aran DasanJacky ChungJonathan Fraser and Julene Aguirre-Bielschowsky and chef Kim Insu.
"It's not just about introducing a new food, it's about understanding human perceptions and psychology, then using the design of innovative experiences and strategic thinking to drive cultural change."
Dried Cricket Mince, anyone?


  1. I already heard about it, eating insects is neither my thing and those "chopsticks" are awesome! It's good for those who can't handle it

    1. The chopsticks are pretty cool, the whole branding is fantastic. One day maybe... :-)



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