Tuesday 3 January 2012

New Year's Resolution Generator

Firstly, happy new year everyone! I hope you had a great time over the holidays and are feeling rested and ready to start 2012 with a bang.

I  decided a long time ago to not do any new year resolutions, mostly because I think that if something's worth doing then I'll generally try to do it right away. However, January is a good time of year to reflect on what lies ahead and what the future might hold. This is going to be one hell of a year for us here in London, the Olympics are fast approaching and whether you enjoy sport or not, it's going to be an event to remember.

So whether you have decided to do a few new year's resolutions or not, here is a great project by the Chicago-based graphic designer Monina Velarde to help you kick start your new year, it'a a New Year's Resolution Generator.

Make sure you go and check it out for yourselves over here.

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