Friday 10 August 2012

Product Spotlight : Freischaukler by Uli Feuersänger

The other day on StumbleUpon I was asked to 'thump up' this chair design to drum up publicity and votes. I diligently clicked through to check it out and I like it so much that I decided to share it on the blog.

The chair is by German designer Uli Feuersänger and you can vote for it yourself over here.

I love the rocking chair aspect to it, that when combined with the rigid body and geometric shape make for a very interesting chair indeed. And the way that the footstool tucks into the chair is very smart.
"The active adjustment of the chair to the various movements and proportions of the human body result in an extraordinary and exciting new seating experience. One's focus is always below the suspension, thereby enabling a controlled and dynamic sitting at the same time."

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